Abstract This study aims to: 1) analyze the influence of Work Environment and Student Perception on Career Selection As Internal Auditor For Students Accounting STIE AMM Mataram. 2) to analyze the Effect of Work Environment, and Student Perception Simultaneously...
Abstrak Salah satu pengembangan teknologi informasi yang dikembangkan oleh STIE AMM adalah sistem akedemik online bagi mahasiswa. Dimana tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh interaksi pengguna dengan sistem informasi, Dukungan/Support, Reward/Punishment, keamanan sistem informasi, kecepatan/kemudahan akses informasi,...
ABSTRACT The fluctuation of stock price depends on difference of supply and demand. For the investors, information on EPS, DPS and FL is crucial in decision making. Accordingly, this study aims at identifying the partial and simultaneous effect of...
ABSTRACT Financial Law is one part of the economic law that one aspect of regulating the activities in the field of capital markets. Developments in society, led to the development needs of the community are also against the law....
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between career development with the intention of competing employees at PT. BPR Prima Nadi Cakranegara. This study is associative research is to know the relationship between career development...
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the Financial Balance between Central and Local Government On the General Allocation Fund ( DAU ) All Indonesian Provincial Fiscal Year 2013. Secondary source of data is obtained from the Presidential Decree No.10...
ABSTRACT This research was conducted with the normative approach , using data sources in the form of primary and secondary legal materials . The results were analyzed by using the contens analisys , further described in sistemetis . Based...
ABSTRACT Laws of 1945 about 28 H and Law Number 23 Year 1992 on health, explicitly states that, each person entitled to health services. Thus, every individual, family and people of Indonesia are entitled to the protection of oneself...
ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge about oral health with specialization in health centers permanent tooth extractions Lucky Central Lombok 2012.Penelitian year is expected to be useful as information for dental patients, about how to...
ABSTRACT This article describes the independence District in Bali in the Autonomous areas, in accordance with Act No. 32/2004: revision of Act No. 22/1999 and Act No. 33/2004: revision of Act No. 25/1999. From the results of measuring the District...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study to determine the Labor Force Participation Rate ( LFPR ) of the province of West Nusa Tenggara . The methodology used in preparing the 2011-2013 Regional Workforce Planning is...
ABSTRACT The purpose of the study was to examine the influence of company size , asset growth , profitability and non- debt tax shield against the company’s capital structure mining industries listed in the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study was...