Author : Irianto

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Resources usually maintained by an enterprise are a human resources, money , equipment and raw materials . The company will not be able to operate if it does not have the manpower ( man ) , funds ( money ) , equipment / technology (machine ) and raw materials ( materials ) or abbreviated to 4M.

            Nowdays the company that manages only 4M will not be able to compete with other companies . There are other resources that is no less important to run the company , namely resource information (I) . To manage the system resources required information .         The system is now widely used computer-based systems . To properly manage the information is needed management information system (MIS)

SIM provides benefits to the company in decision-making fast, accurate and true . Computer -based information management provides many benefits for the company, such as, ticket sales information , railway , manufacturing of ID card ( e-ID ) , banking information services ( sms banking system) and others.

Challenges in the management information system are in the making of an application program ( software ) , hardware ( hardware ) and the people who run the system ( brain ware ) . To produce a good SIM  is required substantial funds.

Keywords : systems , information , management

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