Author : Baiq Ertin Helmida, Baiq Kisnawati
This study entitled “Student Perceptions towards Performance Lecturer at STIE AMM Mataram”. The purpose of this study is to empirically analyze students’ perceptions of faculty performance at STIE AMM Mataram.This type of research is descriptive with a sample of 24 lecturers from the entire faculty, amounting to 47 people. The total enrollment of 1247 people STIE AMM Mataram, the sampling technique used adalahq quota sampling, where each lecturer assessed by 20 students, bringing the total number of students sampled in this study were 480 orang.Teknik Data collection is the documentation and questionnaire .As for the observed variables are student perceptions of the performance based competency Lecturer with dimensions (pedagogical, professional, personal and social).The results showed that students’ perceptions of faculty performance based competencies: (1) In percentage mostly students assess the performance of lecturers Good and Very Good and only a small portion judge is not good and Very Not Good; (2) On the average assessment of the performance of students in the category criteria Good lecturers; (3) In-average or percentage stated that the professional competence of the lowest rated, subsequent social competence, personal competence and the highest is pedagogical competence; (4) There are some indicators that the priority for improvement: pedagogical (1 indicator), professional competence (6 indicators), and social competence (3 indicators)
Keywords: Perception of Students, Lecturers Performance