Author : Ismail MZ
This research was conducted with the normative approach , using data sources in the form of primary and secondary legal materials . The results were analyzed by using the contens analisys , further described in sistemetis . Based on the research findings , that the existence of legislation which accommodate an Independent candidate in local elections Directly , after the Constitutional Court Decision No. 5/PUU-V/2007 emphatically stated that the independent candidates have equal opportunities to candidates promoted by political party or coalition of political parties compete to participate in the local elections of political competition (elections ) directly. In support of the Court decision, the government has issued a set of regulations peratutan among others, the National Election Commission in accordance with its authority, Government Regulation in lieu of Law No. 3 of 2005, Law No. 32 Year 2004 on Regional Government and Law No. 12 in 2008.
With the opening of opportunities and opportunities for individual independent candidates in local elections and the deputy head of the region, as well as a momentum or a milestone in the constitutional Republic of Indonesia and is a sign that democracy has begun to develop well although there here there are plus-minus as well as challenges for consummation in the future. Regional autonomy is thought to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of local governments, accelerating efforts mengkehidupan local level democracy through community participation and creativity. The last and will lead to the acceleration of the achievement of the development goals of improving the welfare of local communities. Implementation of regional development based on the concept of community-oriented development (Community-based development). This concept must be supported by a good autonomy, so that local governments can formulate the right policy in any development program that will play in accordance with the vision and miissi pronounced when compaign ago.
Implementation of regional autonomy peruahan old order to the new shades will bring a logical consequence, namely, first, become opportunities and challenges in accelerating the achievement of the ideals of a just society and a prosperous area in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. Secondly, in achieving the first point will certainly involve risks and constraints in menwujudkannya. Opportunities are increasingly expected growth and development of local level democracy is characterized by the strengthening of the sovereignty of the people, the better the functioning pemerinthan and the development of mutualistic partnership.
Keywords : Direct Election , Local Autonomy and Local Dekomrasi