Author : Baiq Kisnawati, Endang Kartini

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This study aims to determine auditors dilemma to the government sector in realizing the quality of internal auditors who audit particularly in Central Lombok District Inspectorate and North Lombok . The data used in this study were qualitative data and quantitative data .

Qualitative data obtained from the information that in the audit , the dilemma faced by auditors in dealing with auditee are caused by the the sense of family , togetherness and the high humane considerations. In addition , the auditor did not dare to refuse the assignment given to them due to the fear of sanctions even the assignment is not in accordance with their competence , can not apply independently to the auditee to be audited so that will have an impact on ethical dilemmas .

Quantitative data were obtained from the auditor ‘s perception to see the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable . The independent variable in this study is the competence , independence and ethics of auditors , while the dependent variable is the quality of the audit . The study population was all Civil Servants ( PNS ) which is classified as an auditor . Sampling was done by using a method in which all members of a population census was used as the sample . The data used in this study is primary data obtained from questionnaires . The number of questionnaires distributed 60 copies , of this amount back 47 copies . Data analysis techniques used are Regression Analysis ( Multiple Regression Analysis ) . The test results showed that simultaneous competence , independence and ethics affect auditors on audit quality . Partially competence and independence does not affect the auditor’s audit quality while ethical affects audit quality

 Keywords : dilemma auditors , audit quality

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