Author : Baehaki Syakbani

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Indonesia basically adopted a presidential system, especially the executive with the legislature but has the ambiguities within the system, the confusion is related to the relationship the parties involved carrying out its role as a fiduciary of the people, who would be elected directly by the people, there by directly or indirectly all actions taken by an authority that comes from the people here that the meaning of a liability that needs to be interpreted, in Indonesia alone there are still many things that are not in line with a presidential system like a multi-party and coalition in a parlement which is related to the mapping relations of power that is not stable and effective between the executive and parlement. The relationship between president and parlement in Indonesia, the presidential system which clearly separates the powers among institutions, but in practice the separation of powers as a hallmark of the presidential system is not fulfilledeven in the Constitution of 1945 before the amendment and after the fact still adheres toa power-sharing system reflect doubt to actually implement the presidential system.

Keywords: checks and balances system of government Indonesia

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